Before the other two left last week we had a MASSIVE photo viewing session and I collated everyone's twenty best shots. Well, that was the request, but most of the island found it too hard to restrict themselves to a mere two score and Gina broke the record with no fewer that five. Five files, that is.
Since I have been temporarily deserted by inspiration, I thought it would be good to have a look at everyone else's shots over the next few days.
So here are a few of Chauncy's:
This is Western Springs. Chauncy had to climb down the face in order to get this shot!
There's a surfer in that tube. It's Toby, vollie from the first half of the year.
Galapagos shark. They're apparently very friendly.
This is Lava Point, to the northeast. I love the way the wind has sculpted the trees.
Octopus on the beach.
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