Friday, August 7, 2009

Harbingers of spring

These signs are always keenly awaited by folks desperate for evidence that winter is on the way out. Back in Christchurch people look for the daffodils or the lambs and they listen for the Shining Cuckoo’s song.

Here on Raoul we have a different set of signals, including the one spotted no fewer than three time in the last couple of weeks – whales. We have seen both Minke and Humpback whales close to the shore in front of our home, sometimes only a hundred metres or so away.

They have migratory paths that track through the Kermadec Islands as they head south to the food in cooler waters. One had a calf with her and seemed to be interested only in lolling around in the sun.

Fantastic to see - such impressive creatures!

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